Australia: land of the hysterical!

As they say: “no news is good news”, and there certainly has been a lack of any real news story on global warming if the news search engine results are to be believed. There is still those who deny reality and harp on about the “obvious effects of warming”, but there is an increasing number of sceptic reports, and I’m sure it won’t be long before I pass the next milestone: “a day when sceptic news reports are the top .. 10? stories“. We’ve already had days when the top 2,3 even 4 news articles have been sceptic.

But, there’s a fly in the ointment: and that fly is Australia. Australia, land of the eco-nutter. People whose only contribution to society is to invent new ways to insult other people and call it journalism. Now as one who likes to insult the idiots on the other side, I could be accused of the “pot calling the kettle black” … but, I base my assessment of the intellect of the other side, on their ability to use the facts to create an argument, even better, to understand the limits of what they say. But these Australian eco-nutter reporters haven’t a clue. They attack the man not the argument and there seldom is anything except decade old assertions about warming and impending droughts and floods and plagues and doomsday fire brimstone intermixed with vicious personal attacks. To give you a flavour:

Climate sceptics, deniers, contrarians – call them what you like – are engaged in a fight for column inches, radio waves, TV talk-time and community sentiment.

In Australia, the issue has turned decidedly unsavoury, with climate scientists revealing inboxes chock-full of hate and Government advisors being slurred as Nazis.

I won’t give a source, because I don’t think such people running such overt lies and distortions should have such a courtesy. I’m not saying there are not nasty emails flying around … the lie is much bigger! I’ve been watching the Australian media, and they simply cannot report accurately on the climate, every single article that I read from Australia isn’t just warmist in tone, it is hysterical name-calling voodoo eco nutter claptrap. So no wonder the people who learn the facts by reading BOTH SIDES of the debate, get hot under the collar to find that their own media are doing the Goebbels: “tell a lie loud enough and often enough and you will be believed”.

What is it about the Australian media that makes them institutionally incapable of dispassionately reporting the evidence and causes them to en masse jump on the global warming bandwagon? They really are out of step with the rest of the global media now — they stick out like a hippopotamus in a chicken coop.


I relented. They don’t deserve common courtesies when they tell such whopping lies but here’s the source is anyone wants it: but there’s no way I’m going to link to the other idiot articles I’ve had the misfortune to come across in the Aussie Goebbels propaganda machinery.

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6 Responses to Australia: land of the hysterical!

  1. Neil Craig says:

    Pe3rhaps it is a sign that warming alarmism appeals to people feeling the lack of anything real to worry about. Or perhaps it is Australia’s anti-intellectualism. Or a desire not to be isolated from the rest of the developed world when that world is already visibly moving on (well except Scotland).

  2. Pingback: Australia: land of the hysterical! | Cranky Old Crow

  3. Stuart Greig says:

    I can see where the confusion is coming from.
    You have mistaken the ABC as Australia’s National Broadcaster.
    While it may feed off Aussie public tax dollars, it takes it’s lead from the BBC and only represents the left side of politics.

    • Stuart, whilst the ABC have been prominent, they are not alone in Australia, and they certainly now have a very disproportionate amount of the “lunatic” warmist articles. It may be as you say, because the ABC TOOK their lead from the BBC. It may be a combination of a higher than average warmist trend (was it a warm summer?) with a particularly obnoxious form of Aussie journalism.

    • David Bailey says:

      Please don’t call this debate left vs right – it is way too simplistic. I am fairly left leaning, and indeed in other respects I am fairly green, but I am as near as certain that global warming is nonsense!

  4. Paul Evans says:

    You should try living here, hypocrisy and double standards are tools of the alarmists, fortunately we may be the home the the eco-nutters, but the majority of are not stupid. Polls for the government and support of the PM are at an all time low and support for the Carbon Dioxide tax barely makes 20% of the population. A change is coming………

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