A Global Epidemic Of Data Tampering At The US Government

This is one of the most blatant frauds in history. The evidence is so clear and unequivocal that it beggars belief that those involved are not already serving jail sentences.
NASA have a clear self interest in promoting environmental doomsday as they get a lot of money off the back of these scares for yet another space program to launch another satellite to look down on earth to “monitor” whatever the latest fashion is in environmental doomsdays from ozone to acid rain to CO2.

In the UK when it was discovered that bankers had merely fabricated the LIBOR inter bank lending rate – the police investigated, bankers were in court billions of fines were imposed and ministers were forced to resign.
But when it comes to this scam – the scam Stephen Goddard and many other people have repeatedly shown this to be a fraud, yet not a single person in the “establishment” has taken this clear unequivocal fraud seriously.

Which shows they all have their snouts too deep in this scam to admit the truth.

Real Climate Science

Satellites show us that there has been little or no warming over the past 19 years on this planet. Something has changed though – the published historical temperature records from NASA and NOAA. The planet is not warming, but NASA and NOAA are rewriting history to create the appearance of warming.

The published NASA global temperature graph has changed dramatically since 2002


Since 1999, they have completely rewritten US history to turn a long term cooling trend into a warming trend. The animation shows the published NASA US temperature graphs from 1999 and 2014


NASA has dramatically altered their own graphs from Iceland since 2012.


The next graph shows the divergence of NASA Reykjavik temperatures from those published by the Icelandic Met Office. The NASA data is from the same thermometer, and the divergence is due entirely to data tampering by NOAA and NASA

ScreenHunter_6636 Feb. 01 05.29



They have done the same…

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1 Response to A Global Epidemic Of Data Tampering At The US Government

  1. Stew Green says:

    MIke the reblog appears in the email, but when I click the links it doesn’t appear on your websitethe links to Goddards do work 111 + countries in 24+ years of travel homepage : http://www.stewgreen.com A rational person in an Irrational World From: ScottishSceptic To: scottishsceptic@stewgreen.com Sent: Sunday, 1 February 2015, 19:54 Subject: [New post] A Global Epidemic Of Data Tampering At The US Government #yiv4960917679 a:hover {color:red;}#yiv4960917679 a {text-decoration:none;color:#0088cc;}#yiv4960917679 a.yiv4960917679primaryactionlink:link, #yiv4960917679 a.yiv4960917679primaryactionlink:visited {background-color:#2585B2;color:#fff;}#yiv4960917679 a.yiv4960917679primaryactionlink:hover, #yiv4960917679 a.yiv4960917679primaryactionlink:active {background-color:#11729E;color:#fff;}#yiv4960917679 WordPress.com | Scottish Sceptic posted: “This is one of the most blatant frauds in history. The evidence is so clear and unequivocal that it beggars belief that those involved are not already serving jail sentences.NASA have a clear self interest in promoting environmental doomsday as they get ” | |

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