Something’s changed

There was a time when I would comment on line as the only skeptic and wait months before a good news story came along.

Then we had climategate – it gradually became respectable to be a skeptic, and after a few years, I started to find the one or two alarmists were being answered by so many skeptics on the forums, that it was difficult to have a conversation.

Slowly the number of “good news” stories rose until by the beginning of this year, I would say the pro-skeptic stories were clearly more numerous than the pro-warmist.

However, recently I’ve noticed not only a resurgence in alarmists – but also a drop in skeptic posts – but also a massive increase in quality “good news” stories in the “media”.

#Frackinggate was an obvious example – and perhaps the first example of a large scale media coverage of a skeptic-like story since climategate, and then today (possibly from the same stable) comes news that Greenpeace aren’t exactly green nor at peace internally. Related to this was the Holywood sting catching celebrities  willing to take money to undermine the US economy. The other mega story was the US officials who refused to back Obama’s rantings on climate. Not forgetting the academic who was “fired” for helping the GWPF. And then there have been many other minor stories like the “expected” falling apart of the climate talks.

Is this internal war in the green groups? Is it a growing hostility by officialdom to these green groups and their poisoning of the western economy? Is it increased funding to skeptic lobbyists?

Whatever is happening, the GWPF seemed to have stepped up a gear and I would guess are now issuing twice the stories they were a few months ago. Is this just a passive response because there are more stories – or are they somehow involved in creating more stories?

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4 Responses to Something’s changed

  1. tchannon says:

    We are living though another major world reconfiguration but this is impossible to see clearly at the time. Give it a hundred years. The western media won’t help much.

  2. I’ve given up reading newspapers – they are just so full of dross I don’t want to waste my time wading through to find the few areas that interest me. Instead I now mostly google my news .

  3. catweazle666 says:

    AGW = It’s All Gone Wrong!

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